Sunday, February 15, 2009

If It's Sunday, It's Ask Snug!

As a baby, what do you think about the recent octuplet controversy?
- Angelina Jolie (Nana wrote this one in actually)

(The left photo is Lilly on November 26th, still in the NICU, and not yet 2 weeks old. The right photo is one of the Suleman octuplets. The green arrow is pointing out that they have the same pacifier (a.k.a. soother).)

Excellent question, Angelina. As a baby who spent a month in the NICU, wore protective goggles as she slept under the UV lights, and also gripped her peach-colored pacifier with all her might, I feel a strong kinship with the octuplets.

It tickles me to be finally old enough to give advice to somebody; so listen-up little ones:
1. When you leave the NICU, take as many soothers as you can.
2. Soon, you'll be able to have yummies without the NG tube.
3. Hats, hats, hats!

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