Friday, February 24, 2017

Roller cello

It's a real pleasure to be able to play the cello while wearing your blades, knee pads, and helmet.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Sartorial favorites

On the left -- Lillian's favorite outfit when she was three. She wore this dress for an entire month.

On the right -- Lillian's favorite outfit today: black bomber jacket, black boots, black stretch pants, and skull sweatshirt.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Finger puppets

Recently, Lillian said, "The best finger puppets are made out of fingers." And then she drew us (me and her) on my fingers. She is on the left (with fangs) and I am hugging her.


Lillian just learned how to blow bubble gum bubbles. (this is a selfie)

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Book covers

Lill is doing a project where she is inventing book covers (to books that don't exist (yet)).

This one is called, "I can't leave her behind"