Saturday, April 30, 2011


We saw "Rio" and Lillian loved it!!
She sat through the entire movie, ate a bag of popcorn, and munched on Raisinets. Part of the success of this outing was the fact that her favorite color is light blue.

Friday, April 29, 2011

yet another playground

We keep discovering new and amazing places in our neighborhood. We just found yet another playground near us. This one has a lion!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

just another day

1. Ruby slippers
2. Beatles "Yellow Submarine" tee
3. Polka dot shades
4. Cell phone
5. Skinny jeans
6. Leg warmers
7. Pigtails and rainbow clips

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Long weekend

Lillian finished her weekend with a baguette and grapefruit juice at Bocca on Baldwin street.
During the long weekend, we hunted for eggs on Center Island with Emilia, watched "Bambi" for the first time, explored the Science Centre, went swimming, and drank lots of chocolate milk.

Lillian and Sparky

Friday, April 15, 2011

matzah morning

This morning, Lillian had matzah and read Richard Scarry.
(and, yes, that's her new Ramones Tee)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011


Everyone has their favorite magazine. Lillian has been loving Highlights (thanks Bibi for the subscription). Today, after daycare, Lillian "read" her Highlights cover to cover.

Who's your daddy

I think there's lots of mischief in Lillian's future.
(She is holding a container of marbles).

Cutting Cat Grass

Lillian and I have been growing cat grass for the past two weeks. It has grown surprisingly well and fast. So fast, in fact, that we had to give it a haircut this weekend.