Saturday, January 31, 2009

ALMOST FAMOUS (january #2)

Here's the second installment of our "Almost Famous" series. (Note: Lilly is reading the great philosophical work about gluttony - "The Very Hungry Caterpillar")

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Lilly and I went to see Slumdog Millionaire with two of Snug's friends: Noah and Bennett (not pictured). In our opinion, this movie, while good, did not deserve to win "Best Picture" at the Golden Globes. Snug, however, did think that Ayush Khedekar's performance was excellent!

And one more thing: we entered Lilly's name in a lottery at the movies and she won a bib (Snug is modeling it here ).

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

ALMOST FAMOUS (january #1)

Inspired by the art of Ryoko Suzuki and Cindy Sherman, Snug and I are starting a new kind of post that we're calling "Almost Famous," where Lilly will pose for photos mimicking famous images. We will attempt to post these bimonthly: on (or around) the 15th and on (or around) the 30th of every month. This is our January posting:


I just wanted to show you a side of Lilly that you have not been able to enjoy in previous photos.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today, Lilly and I read "OLIVIA" at least two dozen times - until we wore ourselves out.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Noticing that Lilly likes to rest in our bed, we put a pillow in her crib and covered her with a blanket to mimic sleep in an adult bed. She is loving this!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I went out earlier today, with Ayalah, to see one of the foreign language Oscar nominees, "The Class." When I got home, I told Lilly all about it.

Snug was interested and a bit jealous of how much fun I had, so we decided to go to see "Slumdog Millionaire" next Thursday with Noah. It'll be Lilly's first outing to the movies.

The first film that I saw in the theater was Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." What was yours?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Latham and Lilly
do their
postprandial exercises.


Snug loves to sleep in our bed.


Yesterday was quite eventful.
1. Snug got her RSV shot - extremely painful.
2. Lilly went out to do food shopping at Sobey's (bundled up Snug is pictured here - thank you for the "bundleme" Michelle).
3. Andrea and Josie stopped by for some snuggling.

It was a good day.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Snug's great grandmother always said that it's better to have 100 friends than 100 dollars; because you can always borrow $2 from every friend. This is Lilly's first friend, Noah Joseph.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Snug and Latham discuss Caroline Kennedy's withdrawal from the Senate bid, the executive order rewriting the rules for the detention of suspects at Guantanamo, the conflict in Gaza, and Lilly's first date tomorrow with Noah.


Every day we try to work on our milestones. Yesterday, we practiced our "suspicious look".

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Earlier this morning, Lilly inaugurated the day with an enormous poop that was 36 hours in the making.

Here, Snug is getting ready to put on her inauguration outfit.


Snug and a friend are giddy with excitement after the inauguration of the 44th president. (Thank you, Quincy, for the Obama onesie. And thank you to Ayalah's mom for the socks).

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009


After some milk went missing earlier this morning, the usual suspects were rounded up for a lineup.


Thank you Shayna, Mimi, Lana, Paola, and Sasha for this hat and Snug's new clothes.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


... Quincy! Congratulations!!
Snug weighed in at an impressive 3,310g (7.3 lbs)!

She also got her shots today and that is always a painful procedure. Lilly is cleaned, fed and dressed now at home. She is sleeping peacefully with Nana.

Well played, Snug!

Monday, January 12, 2009

"I just sink about what would ze audience wish to see and ... uh .. what zey would like to feel."
- Excerpt from Snug's "Inside the Actor's Studio" interview with James Lipton


Just wanted to show you Lilly's photo from 2 months ago when she was still in the NICU. Snug is 5 days old here and only 3lbs 10oz.



A lot has been going on with us these days.

1. Snug watched her first Golden Globe awards to check how her predictions panned out, and she was pleased with the results. Here's Lilly posing for the paparazzi in her green kimono (thanks Lima).

Last Friday, Snug started to take formula along with her favorite EBM. We're happy to report that Lilly is tolerating the formula well for now.

We'd like to remind you that our weigh-in is tomorrow at 3:00p.m. - so get your votes in!

Also, today, Lilly went for a stroll to Shoppers Drug Mart - our first 1 hour outing this winter.

5. Latham is a bit sick right now and we're getting some help from Nana, who came to Toronto to do what Snuggles does best - snuggle.

Friday, January 9, 2009


We wish our cousin (uncle) a happy birthday tomorrow (Jan 10th). This image has not been modified, Snug is actually holding this sign (and making this face).


The Golden Globe awards are this Sunday and Lilly has dreamed up some solid predictions.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


What a blue day it was for Snuggles!
Today was filled with fussing, frustration, and flatulence. We are hopeful that Snug will be less finicky during the night.


My laptop is in tip-top shape after repairs and I can now post more photos. This is Snug's aunt and uncle hanging out with Lilly during their holiday visit (click on the photos to enlarge).

By all measures, Lilly had a good night (sleeping a stretch of 4 hours) - good work, Snug. Yesterday, she worked very hard on holding her head up during tummy-time and the improvement is visible. Today's agenda includes weight lifting with ChapStick and working on mimicking facial expressions.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


After her bath, yesterday, Snug was delighted to spend the rest of the evening in the company of her new pal, Quincy.

Since Snug has been enjoying the evening bath so much, we've decided to make it part of her nightly routine.


Last night was filled with tons of quacking, chirping, lip farts, and gurgling. We're still trying to figure out why the crib is such an acrid environment for Snug. Thinking that perhaps a softer fitted sheet would be more pleasing, we stretched new linen in her cot. Well, that backfired!
It's back to cotton tomorrow ....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Snug had a good night and currently continues to sleep by the window. Pictures will be available as soon as my computer is fixed.

In preparation for the weigh-in next Tuesday, Lilly's EBM (expressed breast milk) intake has been increased to 100ml q 3.5 hours, which makes Snug appear pleasantly drunk after every feeding. At the last weigh-in Snug was an impressive 2490 grams (5.49 lbs) on Dec. 29th. As it gets closer to Tuesday, we'll be taking bets on her new weight (Price is Right rules).

And thanks to everyone who is following the blog.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Lilly wishes everyone a happy new year. Click on the photo to enlarge. We were really happy to see everyone, please come visit us again.

I just created this blog today and hope to upload images as frequently as I can. It is for family and friends. My computer is currently being repaired, so new images won't appear for a couple of days.

And, by the way, today is Lilly's due date.