Tuesday, August 31, 2010


In the beginning of our trip, I suggested that Lillian keep a diary. She thought that it was a brilliant idea.

(It seems that Lillian is most likely

Sunday Crossword Puzzle

Lillian felt very adult keeping a diary, and she soon attempted some other, similar activities, such as doing the Sunday Crossword puzzle.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Santa Fe (part 1)

We just got back from a wonderful trip to New Mexico. Here is a preview of Lillian's adventures. More photos will follow in the next couple of days.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Indigo kids

The Canadian version of Borders Bookstore is Chapters-Indigo. This rainy weekend, Lillian and I played in the Indigo kids corner and acquired a new blue owl back-pack in preparation for our adventure to Santa Fe, NM tomorrow.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

breakfast good-bye

Lillian's friend Anya is moving to New York. We had a wonderful going away brunch at Cora's on Saturday. We will miss her very much.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

At the playground

When I came to pick her up yesterday,
Lillian was gaily toting a red truck.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Lillian's imagination is limitless.
She made a hat from parts of her toy road.

Monday, August 16, 2010

"on her own"

Latham and I went to a wedding on the west coast this weekend and we left Lillian with Nana, Osik and Anna for two days. She had a fantastic time! I believe that all of us were pleasantly surprised at how well she responded to our absence.

It seems that every time we have visitors, Lillian makes huge leaps in her cognitive development. This weekend she learned that her eyes are blue!

Some of her other incredible progress includes: putting on her own shoes; distinguishing between sneakers, crocs, and sandals; putting three words together; counting to 10; and using real china and silverware.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

pondering penguins

This morning, at the daycare, Lillian observed top-hat wearing penguins in their natural habitat.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dinner and a zoo trip

After going to the Toronto Zoo with Bibi we all went out to dinner at Kensington market. Couscous and mackerel for Lillian at El Barrio (The Hood).

Latham and Lillian also loved "walking" through the market after dinner.


I got a new camera yesterday - and it's amazing!
I am eager to see the improvements to my photography.
Picture #1 was this punim.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Long Weekend

Every morning this weekend, Lillian and I went to College Park (a small park behind our apartment building - aka our "back yard"), climbed trees, jumped in puddles and collected centipedes (the container in Lillian's left hand has her collection).

On Sunday, we went to Center Island with some friends. Lillian rode the "Big Piggy" and reluctantly posed for photos.

Yesterday was a Canadian holiday. We were at the bookstore trying out their cars and books.